Sunday, April 27, 2014

17.Ayurvedic Cures For Dandruff

Dandruff is one of the most common scalp disorders wherein accumulation of dead skin cells appears onto the scalp in the form of white flakes. This flaky layer of dead cells gets in the way of free breathing of your hair and thus weakens it, leaving it more susceptible to fall out. Furthermore, these scales fall onto the shoulders, eyebrows and even clothes when you comb or scratch your scalp. Therefore, those affected always feel conscious in the crowd.

Dandruff might be the result of a number of factors such as frequent heat or cold exposure, excessive exposure to hair styling products, chronic constipation, stress, fatigue, pollution and much more. There are lots of shampoos that boast of clearing white flakes, but most really fail to do so. Let’s take the ayurvedic route to get rid of dandruff. There’s no harm in trying these ayurvedic remedies for dandruff, you never know it might just work wonders for your hair

Ayurvedic treatment for dandruff

1. Camphor with coconut oil:  

This is one of the grand maa’s recipes where you just need to mix small amount of camphor in coconut oil. Store it in a bottle, and apply each night before going to bed. Camphor cools your scalp and helps to reduce dandruff.

2. Coconut with lemon:

Lemon is a key ingredient in most of the hair care remedies. Mix lemon in warm coconut oil and apply on the scalp. Leave it for about half an hour before shampoo. Follow this for at least two weeks for best results.

3. Gram flour with curd:

Mix two spoons of gram flour in a small bowl of curd. Add half a spoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your scalp and leave it for thirty minutes. Curd and gram flour are best hair cleansers that aid in cleaning the scalp. This definitely the best Ayurveda medicine for dandruff to try.

4. Curd with lemon:

Ayurvedic remedies for dandruff are many but this is one that has lasted the tested of time. Just a bowl of curd with two lemons squeezed in it is one of the best ayurvedic remedies to get a clean and clear scalp. Lemons are supposed to be real dandruff killers. It is worth trying this tip. Curd acts as a moisturizer and keep your scalp cool.


5. Shikakayee concoction:

Mix Shikakayee with mint leaves and fenugreek seeds. Soak them in water and apply the mixture on the scalp before you sleep. Leave it overnight. In the morning, rinse it off with warm water. If you cannot prepare it at home, there are many ayurvedic shops that sell already packed shikakyee with many more herbs great for the hair.

6. Neem leaves with lemon:

Make a paste of neem leaves. Add half a lemon to it and apply the paste onto your scalp. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash it with shampoo. For best results, use this tip twice a week.

7. Hot oil massage:

Before you apply any oil on your hair, just warm it up a little for the oil to get soaked deeper in the roots. Massage your hair with hot oil before going to bed.

[ Read: Ayurvedic Treatment for Dandruff ]

 8. Almond oil with Olive oil:

Mix almond oil with olive oil. Both are known to have superb qualities to help your hair grow as well as nourish it. Make sugar solution and apply it on your hair after the oil massage. After the shampoo, use tea water to rinse at last.

9. Vinegar ayurvedic remedy:

Mix two spoons of gram flour in a small bowl of curd. Add half a spoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your scalp and leave it for thirty minutes. Curd and gram flour are best hair cleansers that aid in cleaning the scalp. This definitely the best Ayurveda medicine for dandruff to try.

10. Mint leaves with apple cider vinegar:

Boil a cup of water mixed with a cup of apple cider vinegar. Add few mint leaves. Let the mixture boil for some time and allow it to cool. Gently take the mixture on your finger tips and massage it into your scalp. Rinse after it dries.

11. Sandalwood Oil:

Another version of Ayurveda treatment for dandruff comes in the form of sandalwood oil-lime juice mixture. The emulsion should be massaged onto the scalp for a few minutes and then washed out with tepid water. Massage treatment will boost circulation, strengthen hair roots and improve the overall health of your hair apart from remedying dandruff.

12. Amla Paste:

A simple anti-dandruff hair pack created with Amla powder, Tulsi leaves and water works wonders to cure this pesky and irritating hair condition. One must rub this paste onto the head thoroughly and let it sit for almost 30 minutes. As soon as the set time is over, rinse hair with plain water.

 13. Aloe Vera:

The thick gel extracted from Aloe Vera leaves is a putative remedy for coping dandruff-related issues. Simply spread the gel all over your hair and leave overnight. Shampoo your hair as usual next morning.

14. Eggs:

Eggs are a powerhouse of several hair-benefiting nutrients and thus are considered extremely useful for the hair. A potion produced with egg and water works like magic to throw the dandruff away, if applied to the scalp regularly and rinsed out later on with fresh water.

15. Wheat Germ Oil:

Another fine way to get rid of dandruff is to deep condition the hair with wheat germ oil. First get a through head massage with warmed up wheat germ oil and then cover up the head with a clean towel. Don’t forget to dip the towel in warm water so as to warm it up slightly. Also make sure to squeeze excess water before you wrap it around your head. Wait for about half an hour and then wash your hair off with water.

16. Black Pepper Powder:

Black pepper powder, blended with milk and fresh lime juice is known to provide a great solution for dandruff problems. The concoction is supposed to be rubbed onto the scalp thoroughly and then left on for an hour. Rinse out finally with plain water.

 17. Fenugreek seeds:

Fenugreek seed paste, prepared by soaking the seeds in water overnight and mashing the next morning, is found to be highly beneficial in treating dandruff. Get the paste thoroughly applied onto your hair and scalp for 30-45 minutes and then rinse off. Besides being one of the best ayurvedic dandruff treatments, it is also very effective in curing hair loss.

Try these ayurvedic dandruff treatments and you will see why this type of treatment is more prefered to anything else!



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